Friday, January 27, 2017

FOMO- Fear Of Missing Out.

I think I love Fridays- I just got home from Hot yoga and I feel good. One of the master yoga teachers was at the school today and taught a special extra class where he went over some principles and  how he has personally adapted some things for safety purposes and it was challenging for me. Clearly I am the oldest and the fattest in the class but it matters none. Some poses are very strenuous and when I go to change from one to another, it is  awkward and I get behind the group but it does not keep me from doing the best I can. I will go to another extra class tomorrow morning that he is teaching - I could not pass up the opportunity to work with a Master teacher. and he was so kind and encouraging. 
I think it must be in our DNA- not to pass up an opportunity for fun and something special. FOMO- Fear Of Missing Out.   I had it since I was a little girl falling asleep at the top of the steps trying to hear what the grown ups were talking about when my parents would have parties.  It is a theme in my family- Maryann knows about it too -- that is why she and I went to hear David Mason back stage at the Palladium back in 1978.  My daughter has the same trait- Madison is off in Las Vegas this weekend with her college friends celebrating someone's birthday.  
Since I have been working with older people, I learned at a young age that no one every regrets what they do ONLY what they don't do.  Speaking of work, this week I called up my former boss Rona Bartelstone and asked if she was traveling to any conferences in the near future and sure enough, she is- In May she is going to  the Aging Life Conference in San Antonio Texas so guess what- SO AM I !!!!! Even though it is a little pricey - work said YES. YIPPEE YI YO KAYAH ( I Am Old Cowhand From The Rio Grande )

Time to say good-night- I need a bath and some juice !!! Lots of Love, Happy Healthy Nancy

Jimmy Barkan
Jimmy Barkan is a master yoga teacher certified by Ghosh’s College of India, Calcutta, India in 1981. He is considered to be one of the pioneers of yoga in the United States, practicing long before yoga became popular and mainstream. Jimmy began his yoga career under the guidance and wisdom of Bikram Choudhury and was honored when he became known as Bikram’s Most Senior Teacher, an accomplishment very few have since obtained. Jimmy’s first yoga studio opened in Fort Lauderdale, Florida in January 1983, Plantation, Florida in 2001 and Boca Raton Florida in 2012.

The Method

The Barkan Method is a style of Hatha Yoga that originated from a lineage in Calcutta, India. The Barkan Method finds its roots from this lineage in Calcutta, but also integrates postures from other styles of Yoga to create variations and even greater range of motion. The yoga classes are practiced in a heated room to stretch and strengthen various areas of the body. The practice brings vital balance and restores all systems to optimal health. Consistency will create a physical, mental and spiritual harmony that will be felt in all areas of the practitioner's life.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

I Think I Actually Might Make It!

Okay - I think I can do this.  It has been 14 days and I have lost 10 lbs.   10 down, 80 to go!  I think I will write every time I loose 10 pounds so you might hear from me every 3 or 4 weeks.

Getting into a new routine was difficult especially since in the middle of trying to do that I dealt with finding foster homes for 4 cats which required lots of phone calls, text messages, emails, traveling back and forth, here and there as they needed physical examinations, shots and certificates.  My social work skills came into good use.  The good part of all of that was that I could ignore politics for a few days.

I have rejoined  my yoga studio, Original Hot Yoga in Voorhees. It has already made a big difference in my pain level. My knee is almost completely healed and my lower back pain is 75% gone. My mobility has improved tremendously as I can get in and out of my bathtub much more easily now. I am going to invest in a tub rail though for safety purposes and peace of mind. My nephew is scouting around his office in case there is one laying around that was designed by his firm.

I have been having a date with myself every Friday night. I make it to the Library II on Route 73 for a salad bar on their Happy Hour which cost all of $9. (3:30 to 6 pm) It includes many of my favorites- romaine, beets, asparagus, snow peas, broccoli, cauliflower, chick peas, hearts of palm, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, blue cheese crumbles, green and black olives, fresh spinach, tomatoes, - there is lots more but nothing else I am interested in but for those of you who would like a salad, you can not beat it- Green pepper, cucumbers corn salad, pasta salad,  onions, iceberg, black and red beans, chopped egg, turkey chunks, diced ham and much more. They have 4 different kinds of fresh bread, 4 different kinds of cheese and a variety of fresh fruit as well.

After that I am off to the movies. This week I saw "Fences" which was very good and horribly sad. Life can break anyone of us. We all hurt and bleed. Remarkably acted by the entire cast. I used to see a movie every week back in the old days - Before I had Madison. Saturday and Sunday I go to Yoga- either at 11:30 am for 90 minutes or at 4 pm for 60 minutes. - Home to soak in the tub, lotion on skin, and have dinner and relax. I do some food shopping and cooking too on weekends and pay bills and organize my paper work.

I start each day with a shake, my medication and vitamins. I bought a really cool pill dispenser that rotates - there are 6 compartments and I just have to pour the vitamins in my hand. I just love this little convenience.  As always, thank you for listening and all your offers to help me in anyway. I know I am  truly loved by you which helps inspire me to keep up the good work.  I think I actually might make it!
"Anyone that takes several supplements will absolutely love this container. It is so easy to use and makes taking vitamins quick in the morning. I cant believe how much more compliant I have become since getting this organizer. I really should have purchased 2- one for the morning and one to use in the evening. No more having to sit down once a week and fill up a pill box which could take me 15 minutes. This container holds enough pills ( depending on the size of the pill) to last for weeks and weeks. I am thrilled with the ease it turns as well as my hands have become somewhat arthritic now that I am in my 60's. You wont be disappointed with this organizer."

Monday, January 16, 2017

Our Pets and Our Attachments

Everyone has a beginning of what it feels like to be attached and cared for........ or NOT. And then the Lord gave us "Pets"  (any domesticated or tamed animal that is kept as a companion and cared for affectionately)  When our human companions fail us, we can relay on our pets for love and comfort. From the beginning of their lives, young children will search for a pet to bring home and beg and beg until they are given a pet.  The instinct for attachment, to care and be cared for, is strong deep within us. 

I have recently spent many hours and emotional energy helping a woman separate from the unconditional love and attachment to her cats as she is now a resident of a nursing home because she has Huntington's Disease. She has a history of making her pets as valuable as children because they have served her in that manner. She once had rescued over 14 cats and gave them a home. She can easily identify them, report with detail all of their history and is patient to allow strays to come to her and warm up slowly.  (anyone who knows me, knows that warm up slowly would not apply to my temperament) I listened to story after story about which cat took care of another cat and kept it safe and who was a good mother and who was a risk for being picked up by gangs and abused. This has clearly been her purpose and I am grateful she is who she is.

I am grateful for every living animal and how they have made us better human beings. I am grateful for knowing what it feels like to be sick, either physically or emotionally, and have my pet move closer and closer to me and imply "I see you, you matter to me." I know the experience of having a sleeping cat on my lap and a full bladder in my body and my refusal to disturb the cat and break the connection so I can relive myself.  I know the comfort provided to me when I was grieving deeply for the death of my parent, when my cat would cuddle and allow me to cling to life.  I know the joy of seeing my cat come running in from the cold, feed her and take her upstairs to bed with me. I have felt the amazement of a cat finding "home", even as a kitten , after being given to another family.    
Our pets are often our first experience with vulnerability, dependency and responsibility.  They are very much like us in that they need connection. They desire intimacy and caring. They give meaning to our lives and can inspire hope. It is a mutual relationship. The internet is filled with videos of animals bursting into joy as they are reunited with their owners after a long hard separation.   There are extensive collections of one breed caring for different breed and other videos of animals lovingly working in service of those wounded and challenged by war, trauma and life.  Thank you dear creator for the pets in our lives.

And I want to thank all those whom are deeply committed to the vocation of "rescue"  (to free from confinement, danger, or evil)   because of you, I get to look good with my client and her family. But I do know the truth.  There are women and some men in the field of loving the lost and broken and unwanted pets. Many many organizations and the people who run them are devoted to this purpose- finding families for all in need of a home. 

  1. "Home: the social unit formed by a family living together - a familiar or usual setting :  congenial environment; also :  the focus of one's domestic attention - home is where the heart is"

Question: "What does it mean that God gave humanity dominion over the animals?"

The word dominion means “rule or power over.” God has sovereign power over His creation and has delegated the authority to mankind to have dominion over the animals (Genesis 1:26). David reinforces this truth: “You made [mankind] rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet” (Psalm 8:6). Humanity was to "subdue" the earth (Genesis 1:28)—we were to hold a position of command over it; we were placed in a superior role and were to exercise control over the earth and its flora and fauna. Mankind was set up as the ruler of this world. All else was subjugated to him.

God’s command to subdue the earth and the animal life in it is a command to have the mastery over all of it. A true mastery (of anything) cannot be accomplished without an understanding of the thing mastered. In order for a musician to master the violin, he or she must truly understand the instrument. In order for mankind to attain mastery over the animal kingdom, we must understand the animals.

With the authority to rule comes the responsibility to rule well. There is an inherent accountability in the command to subdue the earth. Man has a duty to exercise his dominion under the authority of the One who delegated it. All authority is of God (Romans 13:1-5), and He delegates it to whomever He will (Daniel 4:17). The word subdue doesn’t have to imply violence or mistreatment. It can mean “to bring under cultivation.” 

Man is to be the steward of the earth; he is to bring the material world and all of its varied elements into the service of God and the good of mankind. The command to subdue the earth is actually part of God’s blessing on mankind. Created in the image of God, Adam and Eve were to use the earth’s vast resources in the service of both God and themselves. It would only make sense for God to decree this, since only humans were created in God’s image.

When God gave humanity dominion over the animals, it was in order to care for, tend to, and use those animals to their fullest potential in a just manner. At the time that God gave mankind dominion over the animals, humans did not eat meat (Genesis 1:29). Eating meat did not begin until after the Flood (Genesis 9:1–3), and it was at that time that animals started to fear humans. However, although God changed the way we interact with animals, in that they are now “meat,” we still bear a responsibility to treat animals humanely. Human rule over animals does not mean we have the right to mistreat or misuse those animals.

Having dominion over the animals should entail a humane management of them as the resource God has ordained them to be. We should consider that mankind was given the task (and blessing) of representing God in this world. We are the caretakers. We hold sway over all the earth, and we (bearing God’s image) bear a responsibility to act as God would. Does God misuse His creation? No. Is God unwise in His management of resources? No. Is God ever cruel or selfish or wasteful? No. Then neither should we be. Any misuse or mistreatment of God’s creation is the result of sin, not the result of following God’s original command. We must fulfill our duty to manage the earth wisely.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

We Will See

Today is only Tuesday January 10, 2017 which is my third day with the shakes. Yesterday I was very tired. But I generally feel pretty good.  I am also back to Hot Yoga in Voorhees. Today was the 3rd time there and my knee is already almost 100% better- No more pain when I stand up and start to walk! Got to love that yoga.
I have a new approach to how I am viewing my eating system by Isegenix. I went through Cancer treatment right?!?!?!   Well now I am going through Obesity treatment.  So I have to be compliant with my doctor's recommendations to get well. (Btw - this spelling stuff is really hard- complaint and compliant -- there is only a very tiny difference between them and it is so easy to make a mistake and today I learned that both ways of spelling grey and gray are correct.  OH SO Confusing for me).  Anyway, I have the Berry flavor at home opened and I took chocolate to work for when I need to eat before leaving the office in the evening.  I used it before I went to my night job yesterday and it held me through 3 hours. When I got home I made a cup of broth because I was so cold.  That was yummy. Tonight I had half of a snack bar before yoga and will make a shake now, after I shower. So maybe looking at it like I am sick and need to follow this program in order to get well will be helpful.  We will see.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

What A Wonderful Day and A Wonderful Life With My New Eating Program

Official Before Photos 

Today I started my new eating program to loose weight with Isagenix. My expectation is to improve my health and free myself from physical and emotional pain. I am also thrilled to be part of a team of other users of the program as I know I will need to pour my heart out as I commitment to loosing 90 lbs. Today I weigh in at 259.0 --- just a few days ago I was 256. But I did splurge knowing I was starting this program. My vision must be distorted as I don't think the photos looks too bad or as horrible as when I look in the mirror- maybe because Madison took them. I weighed between 247 and 251 when I was getting chemotherapy / radiation a year ago. So I am pleased with my ability to hold the line pretty much.

This is my third trip down "major weight loss" road. In 1981, I lost 80 lbs with Obesity Research at UPenn. Kept it off until 1994 (13 years) Blew up to 237 and lost 14 lbs to qualify to join Trevose Behavior Modification at 223 in 1997 as you could only be 80 lbs over weight to be considered safe in their program. In 2007, I went way below my goal weight ( to 138) when I got sick with clinical depression and then in January 2008, I got heart sick and started eating to comfort myself and gained lots of weight back. So the 2nd time, I kept the weight off over 11 years and have been fat now for just 8 years. I finally feel free from emotional distress so I am raring to go! May the 3rd time be the last!!!!!!!
I also returned to Hot Yoga. I got to do a speed class today at 4 pm. Stopped at market and picked up some apples and vegetables to add to my turkey and bean chili which was cooking in the crockpot On this program no red meat or dairy for the first 30 days. I have my supplements packed for work as well as apples, almonds and celery. So my hope is to be 206 by Madison's birthday, July 9, 2017 which is 6 months-- 50 lbs in 6 months is about 8-9 lbs a month. Sounds reasonable to me. It will be interesting to see how I manage while I am working because some of it takes time to prepare and I do not like eating late at night- like after yoga or my night job- but we will see how it goes- I might end up eating food for my lunch and doing a shake for dinner on those days. Anyway- that is what I am thinking now.

You know many people told me I was brave when I was getting my cancer treatment- You have no idea what kind of bravery and self acceptance and self love it takes to put this information out there. My form of Breast Cancer was much more manageable to cope with than my obesity and emotional eating. Again there is shame is being fat and feeling helpless but no shame in having cancer.