Saturday, June 3, 2017

I Value Kindess Above All Else

It has been so long since I written that I almost forgot how to sign in and start. Well I have been extremely busy in many different ways. San Antonio was wonderful and it was such a pleasure to hang out with Rona. My soul was nourished by the experience and I found a renewed strength in myself as well. I love the way she loves me. In some critical ways, she taught me how to love- love myself and others.  I will always be grateful for what we have together. 

The flight went well both ways and I wore my sleeve without any discomfort.  I walked for long distances looking at everything- I like seeing and doing new things. 

This week, I saw my Radiation Oncologist, Dr. John Wilson  and will get my 6 month mammography on my left breast next Friday the 9th. I was suppose to do it in April he said.  "OOOPPS",  I said.  He said they like to do mammography every 6 months for the first 2 years. Gosh- I think it is better to do them every 6 months after the first 2 years - after all, I would think the further away I am from the chemo (aka poison) and radiation, the more likely a re-occurrence. But who am I to judge. I hit my first anniversary of taking my estrogen suppressing medication on May 5. One down, four to go.

He also asked if I do self breast exams and I said no. He was glad I was honest. He said I should. I am not big on shoulds. He gave me a hang tag for my shower to remind myself.

Next week I am having my 5 year colonoscopy. Seeing an allergist in August and had a little something taken off from the skin on my chest earlier this month.  I think that is it.

Professionally I got some great news. My proposal  to give Licensed Clinical Social Workers  CEUs for  Dementia Care: Coping Without Regret: Avoiding Caregiver Pitfalls    workshop got approved with just a few minor corrections / additions. So I approached a local assisted living in the area to see if they want me to give the talk there in September 2017.  I am very excited and I will also submit it to give it at the NASW annual conference in May 2018 for the state of New Jersey.

I spent today doing too many errands and fulfilling my responsibilities when I would rather be at home doing nothing these days.  Doing chores is hard work.  And the list is endless.  I dugout an old shrub and planted a new Rhododendron bush. I even got it a bag of special soil for the thing- I hope it is happy. Wish me luck. 

I called my friend and handyman Bob, cause one of my toilets is broken and my kitchen sink is leaking. (I put a small bucket under there) So now I can't wait too much longer to get things fixed around the house. Picked up new solar lights for the front garden and a new CO2 detector. Another should- "replace every 7 to 10 years"-  last one was installed 1996. Another OOOPPS.

I am having a ball with Facebook. I love watching what everyone is doing and what they like and dislike. Seeing political views of people I went to high school is amazing. Who knew who would become what they are.  Life is so interesting isn't it. The truth for me is I really don't care what people think as long as they are happy and healthy.  No one needs to agree with me nor do I need to see things their way.  Not everyone I asked to be my friend on Facebook accepted. No need to seek other's approval. Live and let live!!  I do know for myself, I only want to kind. If I do nothing else with the rest of my life but be kind I will be very pleased with myself!   💗💗💗