Friday, January 29, 2016


I am so Happy it is Friday - you have no idea- I will talk to Liz today at work about making my schedule lighter after my next chemo-  I do not like being do drained -

Today is going to be a great day though. David Libon is coming in to meet with the MAP team and  Dr. Chopra  and Dr. Forsberg- I am so excited for this new professional adventure.  I learned so much from him before and we work great together. I will also enjoy the interplay between him and Dr. White. A  BIG thank you goes to Dr. DiGregorio, Dr. White is no longer "green".  She was realy able to mentor him.  There aint nothing like having mutual respect for your professional colleagues  on the same team. We are dedicated to making a difference- Thank goodness I do not need to worry about "my numbers" . When you are under paid- your numbers just do not matter. Ha ha.

Still have congestion and upset stomach. But Ruben is coming to clean today which also makes me happy. Emie will help me with paperwork too and clean out refrigerator. and then I will do nothing all weekend. Wow - that sounds so good- Well- when I say nothing I mean- I will sit with my  kitties and watch birds fed- and visit with my family.  OMG- Selene is coming too- and she got the blog ready for me. That is making me so happy!  

More people have learned that I am getting chemotherapy as my clients and  co-workers. Many have felt bad for me and expressed concern-- Trust me- as bad as I have been feeling and I do not like this chemo crap, I know that  LIFE IS GOOD-  I am loved and I can give love and I have my soul and my brain is working and my bills can be paid and I have a warm home and enough money to provide for me and my family. I am deeply blessed. I will not die from cancer any time soon. And when I do die- it will be okay. I have had a wonderful life and learned so much. and always tried to asssit others in any way that I can. I think God is happy with me.

shower time !

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