Saturday, January 9, 2016

I Am Getting Wiser!

Look what I found! While searching for names for the blog and not wanting to duplicate others- I came across a website called WISER Survivor Project.      

BTW-I changed the name of my blog to "Becoming Wiser Through Breast Cancer and Other Living Things- just to many other blogs with "lessons" or "embracing"

A study called the WISER Survivor project at U of PENN. I wrote to them and then saw that I won't qualified as I am not yet cancer free and I hopeful with not get lymphedema- However I am a little horrified about something when I read the benefits. LOOK at the weight loss group-
They are sending them to Nutrisystems. Could you just die?!?!?!?!

 so I went into Nurtisystem's website and to look at their diabetic and vegetarians options were for dinner and snacks. This is what I found- they are sending women who are NOW Cancer FREE to take in some more toxic unhealthy food ! BUT hey, they will likely lose weight, learn portion control and get to exercise-

I figured out what my number one reason for getting breast cancer is- My obesity.  It is my only real risk factor- All those years of being normal body size helped but the last 6 years I have been over 200 lbs - I am Okay with that actually though. When I went through the Renfrew program, I did get to develop peace about gaining the weight back plus some additional pounds.  I had a severely broken heart for many years and cried myself to sleep many a night. The food kept me from getting depressed again and like I said before Cancer is a far better a thing to experience than depression was

Study Purpose: Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among cancer survivors in the U.S.  The primary challenges faced by these women are recurrence and lasting complications of treatment including lymphedema. We know that obesity and sedentary lifestyle further complicate these issues.  Large observational studies have observed reduced breast cancer recurrence among women who are more physically active.  The recently completed PAL trial at the University of Pennsylvania indicated that the frequency of lymphedema events was reduced among women who did weight-lifting with their affected arm compared to women who did not.  Findings from the WISER Trial conducted at the University of Minnesota TREC Center showed that aerobic exercise may reduce the risk of breast cancer because it reduces F2-isoprostanes, a biomarker for breast cancer risk.  We are testing the effects of adding aerobic exercise and/or weight loss to a weight-lifting intervention on lymphedema, risk for breast cancer recurrence and quality of life.  Since previous studies have been conducted in healthy or high risk populations, we do not know if these results will translate to breast cancer survivors.  We hope to find that out in the WISER Survivor study! Come join us on this quest!

What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema is an accumulation of protein rich fluid that can cause swelling of the arm or torso.  Lymphedema can result from changes to the lymph system after breast cancer treatment.

Study Benefits

How can becoming a WISER Survivor benefit you?

The following are provided to ALL WISER Survivor participants, paid for by the study:
  • Two Custom fitted compression garments.
  • Access to a certified lymphedema specialist for physical therapy if needed.
The clinic visits will provide all participants with valuable information regarding their personal health. Participants will be given the following results at the end of the study:
  • Body composition (including total body fat, lean mass, and bone density)
  • Resting blood pressure
  • Fitness assessments
  • Diet assessments
  • Lymphedema assessment and education
Participants should have a better understanding of their bodies and personal health as a result of clinic visits and various assessments.
Participants in the exercise groups will further benefit from:
  • An in home exercise program – all participants in the exercise groups will receive an at-home set of ‘Power Blocks’ (adjustable dumbbells ) and will be allowed to keep the ‘Power Blocks’ ( upon successful completion of study participation.
  • Improved health and psychological well-being if exercising continues after the end of the study.
Participants in the weight loss groups will further benefit from:
  • The Nutrisystem® food at a 75% discount for 24 weeks.
  • Access to a Registered Dietitian and nutrition education.
  • Improved health and psychological well-being if weight loss is maintained after the end of the study.

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