Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Twas the night before Chemotherapy

Twas the night before Chemotherapy, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even the cats, Philly Boy and Foxy Lady.

My bags were all packed, with water and snacks
Books to read, Ipads to play, journals to write.
And Madison in her sweats and I in my sports bra
Had finally settled in, from a long day at work .

The pantry had been purged, the refrigerator all cleaned
Tomorrow she'll vacuum, the rugs caused I asked
If only she could make, the mail disappear
My life would be easier, with no bills to fear

The cans were outside, for the men to come get,
My little one had collected, from all through the house.
The list laid on the table, with food for her to shop
Lean proteins for mama and vegetables for both

Big sister has been busy, in her kitchen next door
A big pot of red soup, with all the vegetables I adore
She is prepared to sit by my side, all quiet and peaceful
Not talking of stories, of what this may mean 

They said I should sleep, to get my rest
Those silly loved ones, don't know I'm at my best 
When writing, searching, and planning my life
My energy is swirling, it knows no strife

Visions of wide beaches, crystal waters, white sands
8 tiny islands, float in our heads
Final payment is made, the cabin all cozy
Our fun ship is ready and our dreams are all bright
My treatment is just another turn, along a long twisting road
With scenery not pretty, but no less valuable for me
Making promises to ask, when I need their help
As I reminded I am loved and worthy of all that care

When suddenly I realized, that my body was to change
I would be bald, skin all marked, from here to there 
With clean lymph nodes abound and estrogen down low
All uninvited guests, would be leaving, out through the flow

I heard Breast Cancer exclaim, as they drove out of sight

"Good bye my dear Nancy and to all a good night"

Nancy M. Alterman
Tuesday December 29, 2015

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